
There are different ways of obtaining CSBill.

If you plan to contribute to CSBill (E.G write patches, you should follow the Installing from source section. Otherwise follow the Installing distribution package section.

Installing distribution package

To install a packaged version of CSBill, download the latest version from

Extract the archive to a folder that is accessible from your web-server (view the Configuring your WebServer document for more information)


If you are on a shared hosting environment, or only have ftp access to a server, then you can use ftp to upload all the files to the server

Installing from source

In order to install CSBill from source, you will need composer, a package and dependency manager for PHP. If you do not yet have composer installed, follow the guide on Installing Composer.

Installing Composer

If you do not yet have composer installed on your system, you can use the following command to get composer

$ curl -sS | php

Once composer is downloaded, you can use it from the command line using the following command

$ php composer.phar

Using Composer

To install CSBill using composer, run the following commands

$ php composer.phar create-project csbill/csbill

This will download CSBill into a directory called csbill, and will also install all the dependencies. If you encounter any issues while trying to install, please submit a bug report.

The last step is to install the Node packages and dump all the web assets

$ npm install
$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp

Using Git

If you want to install CSBill using git, you can clone the repository using the following command:

$ git clone

You will then need composer to install the required dependencies. To install Composer, please refer to the installing-composer section.

Go into the repository directory and install all the dependencies

$ cd CSBill
$ php composer.phar install

If you encounter any issues while trying to install, please submit a bug report.

The last step is to install the Node packages and dump all the web assets

$ npm install
$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp